Beeline History

In 1988

While building a boys ranch for a safe haven for teen age boys from high risk areas of the highlands from the civil war, Mark Richard saw a woman on a few occasions crawling across the Pan Am highway.  Macaria lost her ability to walk over 25 years before when she contracted Polio as a young girl.

He decided not to make her a promise of a wheelchair to her, as to often well-meaning North Americans make promises they can’t keep. He brought his request to an old friend Carl Durocher who he himself contracted polio when he was 8 years old. As a member of the South Central Wisconsin chapter of The National Spinal Cord Injury Association it was his turn to write an article for the newsletter. He took the liberty to ask for wheelchairs plural rather than one just for Macaria. Within 2 weeks more wheelchairs were collected than there was room on the trailer. So some were given to Carl’s good friend Peter that was the director of the Wisconsin Nicaragua Partners.  It was 3 months later when returning to Guatemala with a 5th wheel trailer filled with agriculture supplies from Pennsylvania.

It didn’t take long to give Macaria and 19 others a wheelchair.
By the end on 1989 it was decided to return to the States to establish a nonprofit to bring wheelchairs from Ohio to Guatemala. After making at least 2 trips a year for 2 years under GRACE we merged with Joni and Friends, Wheels for the World.  By late 1994 in a shared project with Hope Haven, Hope Haven International was started in Rock Valley, Iowa. Within a few years satellite repair shops were set up in different towns in Iowa, South Dakota and Minnesota. The largest wheelchair refurbishing shop was in the South Dakota State Penitentiary. 
Over the next 4 years it was obvious that there was never enough children’s wheelchairs. So when Mark was approached by 4 students form the senior design class from Dordt Collage. They needed a design project to graduate and were hoping to design a walker or crutch. I took then to our warehouse and showed them 5,000 feet of aluminum tubing that was donated by KidKart.  I also showed them hundreds of new tires, wheels, forks, bearings and castors donated from different wheelchair companies because they were old models or had cosmetic defects. I challenged them to use plastic as a coupler for the tube to eliminate the need for welds. This was the beginning of the Hope Haven Kidchair.

These were the most durable pediatric wheelchairs for children from 20 to 100 pounds with moderate positioning needs.  We spent years improving the system of the Kidchair and even trying to build in a Tilt in Space feature.  Permanent tilt and recline were accomplished but for the children that needed to be tilted and or reclined. After sending 25 to Kenya for a comparison study at Joy town School by Letourneau University it was recommended that we consider a 3 wheeled frame configuration. 

The Beeline of wheelchairs was designed and as the design options grew it was obvious that the biggest break through was the tilt, recline features.

In march of 2018

After 23 years Hope Haven released Mark Richard to spin off and make Beeline Wheelchairs a separate organization.

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to change the future

of those who have mobility needs

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Beeline International
2321 Energy Drive Suite 518
Louisville, Ohio 44461-9189

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Account Number is: 672034238
Routing Number is: 041201143

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Banco Industrial

Account Number: 749-010616-3

Account Type: Monetaria




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Carretera Interamericana CA1 Km 40 Santo Domingo Xenacoj NO. 246, Sacatepéquez.

Guatemala, Central America.